Saturday, December 8, 2012

Studio Grand Opening - At Last

I am recuperating from the studio opening we had last weekend.

Viewing area, with comfy couch and good light.
How did it go? I’m glad you asked. It went really well. We had a lot of people for this canyon. Not so many if you compare to other places. But I really believe you have to blossom where you are planted. Painting alongside the road has established an interest in what I was doing. Some people came by because they had seen me over the last year painting Wind Canyon. And we got to meet neighbors we had not known before. A dear friend sent me the loveliest flowers. Thank you, Dianna Ponting. So the studio was cheerful and dust free (as much as I could make it) and staged.

Hubby got the new wall done 2 days before the opening. Gone is the huge roll up door. I can be warm when I paint in the winter now. But I had to wipe down all the dust from the plastering and sanding. It was everywhere. Then we had to move out all the extraneous stuff that is waiting on a shelf or container being built. My new flat paper storing cabinet is not here yet. And we did not get the 2 shelf running bookcase made either. So much of it remains to be relocated when we get those items done. So this stuff was just clutter. It is back, but it made me re-organize which is a good thing.

Main wall with some of my paintings.

I spent a full day making porno pink signs to put along the road. I am not a sign maker. But they were effective, actually pulling people from the highway who would not have stopped otherwise.  I also got the opening in three local magazines. I sent postcards out to those who had expressed an interest in the studio too. And I had put up posters in town for the event at various businesses.
Comments were favorable about both the lovely working space, and my work. I almost sold a painting. But it is hesitant to find a new home. It is still here.
I learned a lot doing this.
  • I needed to have more signs at the other end of the canyon entrance.
  • I needed to do more advertising locally - especially newspapers.
  • I also think I might try a radio spot.
  • There needs to be more posters put up.
  • And I need to do this more than just once.
  • A local painter friend wants to do one with me, and I just might.

So it went well, and I was drained of energy, just from the effort of putting it all up. I sure hope it stays nice and neat for a while. But it is a WORKING studio, and not a glitzy gallery. I am still waiting for that perfect gallery - to the tune of "Someday My Prince Will Come", just substitute gallery. 


  1. It looks fabulous! BUT I want to see more pictures!

    1. I have more, but I am wanting to write about the nifty things hubby has made for me for the studio. When its too cold, (I've still got thinned California blood I think), I'll still have something to write about and show you! I promise!

  2. it does indeed look fabulous and you did really well

    As more and more people get to know of you you'll build up that vital mailing list and network in this new area and then you'll fly!

    1. Would you believe that one of the things I forgot to have was a sign-in book??? Lessons learned Viv. But I had most of them leave a phone number or email. Next time its a proper sign-in book. Oy!
